Sunday 30 October 2011

So what happens if a meteorite hits the Earth and every living creature in the sea and earth dies... what happens to all the "souls in the cycle?" If there is a different number of living things on the Earth year after year how can this make sense? Do the souls "disappear" after a while?

There is no such thing as the reincarnation of souls. Each of us are born with ONE soul, and we have one life to live, and then our souls either go to Heaven or Hell, depending on whether we rely on Jesus Christ for our salvation.

An excerpt from "The Paradox of Reincarnation" in Easy Death (pp. 181 - 82)
AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ: Reincarnation . . . describes the connectedness between lifetimes that establishes conscious existence as continuous rather than episodic (or appearing only when a body arises and disappearing when a body dies). Reincarnation is a subject of very sophisticated knowledge, something you are capable of understanding only in an advanced state of consciousness.
Thus, there is no reason for ordinary people to walk around with beliefs about reincarnation. You cannot really verify such ideas anyway, until you enjoy a state of consciousness in which they are obviously true.
In general, religious people feel obliged to believe all kinds of nonsense to which they have no real connection. Most such ideas are just traditional lore — stories and conceptions created to console fearful people with superficial beliefs.
Perhaps, at some time in the natural course of evolution, human beings (in general) will achieve such a state of conscious awareness that reincarnation will again be a subject of ordinary presumption, based on self-verifying experience in the lives of most people. Then it will again be maintained as a cultural presumption — not just a curious artifact from ancient days, when people were involved in the processes by which reincarnation became obvious to them.
From the "Point of View" of Consciousness Itself, however, there is no sense of identity with a personality that is limited by a body. Rather, the individual consciousness (or apparently separate being) is Realized to be a transparent (or merely apparent), and un-necessary, and inherently non-binding modification of Divine Being Itself. . . .
To examine past lifetimes from the "Point of View" of Divinely Enlightened mind, one would have to presume that one was incarnate as every other being that had ever existed! If one's Very State of Being and Consciousness is Realized to be the Very State of Being and Consciousness of all other beings, then how can one presume a model of reincarnation based on a single body and its past relations?
That process would be (at most) a kind of superficial dimension of one's existence — but not the Truth of one's existence. The real fact of one's existence is not that one is a reincarnated individual, but that one is Identical to everything and everyone altogether. There Is Only the Divine Reality. That Is the Truth.

It is a hellish philosophy, really.  The Hindus seek only to escape from this 'wheel.'  The Americanized version has been 'softened' to appeal to the western world.

But if you pay any attention at all to the Bible, you will find we die once and after that is the judgment.  Hebrews 9:27

A Case Study:Rajesh Kumar, a 14-year-old boy in Rampur in Uttar Pradesh suddenly starts talking in a US accent. He explains what according to him are “scientific concepts”. He studies in class 9 and has received education only in Hindi till date. Rajesh neither traveled abroad nor studied English in school. People in his village claim he is an incarnation of some US scientist.
“There is no scientific basis for reincarnation,” said Sanal Edamaruku. “The boy never claimed himself that he is a reincarnation. It is the people’s belief that spreads such theories. People believe in reincarnations, astrology, rebirth and psychic readings. They want to believe life goes on after death,” he added.
Rajesh’s case is not the first one of its kind. There have been famous cases where people have given account of a past-life memory, paranormal psychology and near death experiences. Some of them have even been explained scientifically.
“Past life memory is explained by psychiatrists as nothing but simple psychotic reaction,” said Edamaruku. “The boy is a patient. He is not speaking English at all. It’s all gibberish, which hardly makes any sense. Its not science at all,” he added.

Belief in numerology

If you believe in numbers then Friday the 13th is really a bad day. Experts say that increasingly as the world becomes uncertain and we live in conditions of turmoil, we seek respite in superstitions. By changing our name spellings and avoiding ‘inauspicious dates’ we assure ourselves that we are in a safer frame.
“Actually we all want to get away from the harsh realities of life. If you believe there is a supreme law governing all of us, there is somebody there to look after us—I guess that sort of helps you,” said Sunita Chabra.
Superstitions give you a mental cushion against uncertainties, problems and everyday turmoil.
“The moment you believe everything is pre destined and pre decided, the necessity of doing efforts, necessity to work for achieving something vanishes,” said Edamaruku.
So is astrology the refuge of the lazy? What useful function does astrology serve?
“Suppose I’m going through tough a rough time. I go to an astrologer and talk about my problem. If he tells me that after two-years all the problems will near a solution or that a better phase will start in my life, I would sail through problems with the assumption and hope that better time waits for me,” said Chabra.
So in a way psychotherapy also deals with astrology, Chabra added.
However, Edamaruku rounded off the discussion by saying that “astrology is a pseudo science but it has no scientific basis.”

Energy," once it is created can never be destroyed, only relocated or transformed? correct or wrong?

genetic propogation equals reincarnation? Even if that were true, it's pretty meaningless, considering peoples' consciousness don't live on in any meaningful way through their genes.

There's no evidence for reincarnation or any other form of life after death. All evidence points to the ceasation of conscousness concurrent with the ceasation of biological function. Quite simple, really.

There's no evidence for reincarnation or any other form of life after death... UMMM LIFE AFTER DEATH mean you carry a part of your creator EG MOTHER AND FATHER or You in your next family, infact your answer seems kinda lame lol

seed creats tree tree dies seed is dropped new life is created....tree dies seed is dropped new life is created NOW that is life after death... the trees seed is part of the tree lol so im not sure what your talking about not proof lol the proof is all around us!! its more of the case that you have no proof to say its wrong!

Okay i have just noticed a very crazy nut job christian ready to down grade others faiths!!

But heres the thing......."some people seem to forget that Satan is called the
"father of lies".

Now a educated person of christianity and hebrew would know that satan translated translated back to its orginal writeing eg Hebrew means "THE ACCUSER" so what you have just wrote really means this....

some people seem to forget that "ACCUSER" is called the
"father of lies".

YEP YOU ARE CORRECT lol infact the bible is bang on by that statement and you are the father of that lie in which that word was designed to catch people like you time when you ACCUSE people of any wrongs maybe you should check the meanings instead of makeing up your own fabricated translation of satan!!! :) have a nice day

p.s i understand that not all christians are as crazy as that women but you always find a few nuts in the tool box in every faith.

Best Answer---reincarnation is a lie that was inspired from the devil.
he wants us to believe that we don't die, we live forever,
we can do what we want whether it be good/right or
bad/wrong and that there are no consequences or
punishment because Hell doesn't exist.

God created us to love and serve Him by loving and serving others.
Jesus came down from Heaven to give us an example and to teach
us the way to Heaven. He warns us in the Bible the reality of Hell
and that those who are wicked and love their sins will ultimately go
there after their death.

reincarnation denies these truths.
some people seem to forget that Satan is called the
"father of lies".

"And this is the judgement: that the light has come into the world, and people
loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil."

--- John 3:19


  1. i likey...!!
    n now i'm n agnostic too....:)

  2. abe faltu admi mera bhi bana de bhaie please

  3. Thnq Charu.....:)
    n mayank...mere paas faltu tym ni h
